The Environmental Initiatives Fund (EIF) provides one-off grants to projects which directly enhance and/or benefit the environment or provide environmental education.
Open/close dates
The fund is currently closed.
What types of projects may be funded?
- Projects that enhance ecological outcomes.
- Projects that provide environmental education and/or raise community awareness of the benefits of preserving and restoring our biodiversity.
How much is available?
To be confirmed.
How much can you apply for?
Up to $40,000. Projects may be funded for up to two years, however, the total project grant may not exceed $40,000.
This fund is currently closed
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On this page:
Information for applicants - please read first
Previous grants
Read some of the projects that received EIF funding over the past 5 years. If you're interested in earlier information, please contact us.
To ask for help or report a problem, contact us
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