Plan Change 2 (Private) to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan: Pare Hauraki Kaimoana
Waikato Regional Council accepted a private plan change request to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan from Pare Hauraki Kaimoana under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
On 13 November 13 2024, the Minister of Conservation's approval of Plan Change 2 was received. On 19 December 2024, Council resolved to make the plan change operative.
The plan change was made operative on 22 January 2025.
About the plan change
Plan Change 2 (Private) adds a new standalone rule in Chapter 16 (16.5 Marine Farming) of the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan to provide for subsurface anchor lines and anchor structures, along with any associated seabed disturbance to be located outside of the Coromandel Marine Farming Zone (CMFZ) where they anchor an aquaculture structure that is located wholly within the surface of the CMFZ, as a discretionary activity.
There is also an amendment to Rule 16.5.6 to make it explicit that such structures are not a prohibited activity.
Read these rules:
- Rule 16.5.5D(1) - Marine Farming Structures Associated with Marine Farming in the Coromandel Marine Farming Zone (Discretionary Activity)
- Rule 16.5.6 - Marine Farming Structures (Prohibited Activity)
The purpose of Plan Change 2 (Private) is to allow for greater flexibility in the layout of aquaculture activities within the CMFZ and to allow for more efficient and effective use of the CMFZ.
The request was notified for submissions on Friday 4 March 2022 and submissions closed on Monday 4 April 2022. A total of nine submissions were received (see below). The Summary of Decisions Requested was notified for further submissions on Friday 27 May 2022 and two further submissions were received. A hearings panel conducted hearings from 17-19 April 2023 in conjunction with resource consent applications for marine farming activities and structures by Pare Hauraki Kaimoana.
Waikato Regional Council adopted the Hearings Panel Recommendation report at a council meeting on 31 August 2023 and notified the decision on 27 September 2023. No appeals to the Environment Court were received.
On 14 December 2023, Waikato Regional Council resolved to request the Minister of Conservation approve Proposed Plan Change 2 (Private) to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan: Pare Hauraki Kaimoana.
Update on the plan change process
On 13 November 13 2024, staff received confirmation from the Minister of Conservation's office regarding the approval of Plan Change 2, along with the Minister's signature on the sealed page. On 19 December 2024, Council resolved to make the plan change operative. The decision cannot be appealed.
The plan change is made operative on 22 January 2025.
Plan Change 2 (Private) notification of Minister’s decision and operative date
Proposed Plan Change 2 (Private) notification of decision documents
Proposed Plan Change 2 (Private) notification for submissions
Public Notice - notifying for submissions (March 2022)
46 KB
Waikato Regional Coastal Plan – Proposed Plan Change 2 (Private) - Proposed Plan Change and Section 32 Evaluation Report, November 2021
1.8 MB
Public Notice - summary of decisions requested
43 KB
Summary of Decisions Requested - Proposed Plan Change 2 (Private) to the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan: Pare Hauraki Kaimoana
198 KB
Hearing information - Proposed plan change and resource consent applications
Submission from Forest and Bird
Ext. link
Submission from Geoffrey Robinson
Ext. link
Submission from Hauraki Māori Trust Board-Pare Hauraki Fishing Trust
Ext. link
Submission from Ngati Maru Rūnanga
Ext. link
Submission from Protect Our Gulf
Ext. link
Submission from Reihana Robinson
Ext. link
Submission from Te Patukirikiri
Ext. link
Submission from Thames Coromandel District Council
Ext. link
Submission from Whitianga & Coromandel Peninsula Commercial Fishers Association
Ext. link
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