Ngā hua tāke kaunihera
Your rates at work
Every property owner in the Waikato region helps fund an extensive work programme focused on creating a sustainable future for people today and generations to come. A future where the environment is healthy, communities vibrant and the economy is strong.
Your regional council rates are invoiced once a year and are entirely separate from your city or district council rates. That’s because our mahi (work) is different.
The biggest difference is that our functions are delivered at a regional scale, such as managing the use of natural resources, environmental research and policy, compliance and monitoring, transport planning and road safety, flood assets and land drainage schemes, biodiversity protection and restoration, and reducing the impact of pests. You’ve probably come across the Waikato Regional Harbourmaster, Civil Defence Waikato or BUSIT. Your regional council rates help fund these too.
Your rate assessment notice shows how the regional rates for your property are calculated, and which regional rates are applied to your property. Your rates invoice sets out how much is owed. You may also have seen a set of service areas at the bottom of your rates invoice. Click the link below to learn what each of these areas means and find out about some specific work we have underway in each area this financial year.
Rating information database (RID)
The Waikato region’s rating information database (RID) is available for public inspection at our Hamilton office.
See our Contact Us page for our office location and open hours.
The RID contains information required by the council for setting and assessing rates on each rating unit within the Waikato region. The owner’s names and postal addresses of properties are available for inspection on the RID unless the council has received a request for withholding the owner’s names or postal addresses or both. All requests made for the withholding of names and/or postal addresses must be made in writing, and addressed to Waikato Regional Council, Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240.
Privacy statement
Your name and address information is part of the rating record obtained under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, and is protected under this Act, the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 2020.
We may use your name and address as required by these and other acts administered by council. We would also like to use your name and address to inform you of council activities that may affect you.
If you do not wish your name and address to be used by council to inform you of the activities that affect you, please contact us.