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Stop the spread of marine pests

Image - Clean below good to go - document cover Better ways to stop marine pests?

To protect the coastlines we all love, the four northern-most regions are considering shared rules on marine pests.

As the movement of boats increases, so too does the risk of marine pests spreading.

With support from the Ministry for Primary Industries, four regional councils – Waikato, Bay of Plenty Toi Moana, Auckland and Northland – are exploring whether consistent hull-fouling rules across all four regions would be a better way forward.

Feedback was sought in 2019 on what rules could look like, if they were developed.

If new rules were to be proposed, agencies would also need to consider implementation implications such as roles and responsibilities, where costs should lie and how these should be funded.

Read the discussion document

You can read the discussion document to find out more about the problem and the options being considered.  

Where to from here?
The discussion document is intended to help us get a better understanding of people’s views on how to prevent the spread of marine pests. 

Public feedback on the document closed on Friday 24 May 2019. The feedback will be used to inform whether to proceed with developing shared rules. If that happens, there’ll be another chance to have your say through a formal consultation process.
