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Online Sand Limited - Quarrying activities, Gordonton

A decision has not yet been made if this application will be notified.

Status of application

The application is currently being processed.

About the proposal

Online Sand Limited has lodged an application with Waikato Regional Council to operate a sand extraction and cleanfilling facility at 1154 Gordonton Road to potentially supply in excess of 1,000,000mᶟ of sand per annum for up to 20 years. The quarry will consist of a processing plant and an operating excavation area. The quarry will progress as a series of 4 pits moving in a north to south direction. The area of open pit at any one time is proposed to be a minimum of 100m² to a maximum of 10,000m².

Resource consent application

Consent application APP147116 was lodged with Waikato Regional Council on 16 December 2024.

This application includes an assessment of environmental effects. Activities are as follows:

Activity 1: 147116.01.01 Earthworks in association with the quarry activity and construction of the plant, including earthworks within ‘high risk’ erosion areas.  
Activity 2: 147116.02.01 A surface water take with a maximum net take of 540mᶟ per day based on water lost from the sand product being removed from the site.  
Activity 3: 147116.03.01 To discharge process water to water and land.
Activity 4: 147116.04.01 Diversion of groundwater to a pit lake as part of the sand extraction process.
Activity 5: 147116.05.01 To construct a bridge over the Komakorau Stream exceeding 10m in length (14-16m proposed).
Activity 6: 147116.06.01 Large scale cleanfill disposal from sources onsite and imported, associated with backfilling the areas of sand extraction.
Activity 7: 147116.07.01 Disturbance of a streambed, including reclamation of a watercourse 211 metres in length within the proposed sand extraction area. 

Application information

Application information is available here for you to download and read.

Due to the size of the application the appendices have been separated from the application forms and AEE.

You can also obtain copies of this information by contacting us on our Freephone number 0800 800 401. If you have further questions or would like more information about this application, please contact Nicola Holmes at Waikato Regional Council on 0800 800 401.

Resource consent application and assessment of environmental effects (AEE)

The consent application lodged with Waikato Regional Council is:

The consent application