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Surrenders and transfers

Resource consents

Do you want someone else to take over your consent? Or do you want to cancel it?

You can transfer your consent to another person or party if they will be operating the same activity at the same location. That transfer can involve the whole or part of the consent, and may be temporary or permanent.

You can also arrange to surrender (relinquish) your consent if you will no longer be undertaking the activity it authorises.

But a resource consent is a legal document, and authorisation from the consent holder is required before it can be surrendered or transferred. And a transfer must also be authorised by the new consent holder.

We have forms that help you do this.

You need to complete the correct form. Click on a link, below, to download the form you need. 

Some points to remember

  • There is a fee payable to transfer your consent. The amount is on the form, or you can contact us and ask how much it costs.
  • A transfer cannot be finalised without written notice of acceptance from the new owner. It is the current consent holder’s responsibility to make sure this is provided to Waikato Regional Council.
  • You should complete any remedial or required works before you surrender or transfer your consent.
  • You are liable for any non-compliance with your consent conditions prior to surrender or transfer.
  • You are liable for any consent related charges up to the time of surrender or transfer. Find out more about consent charges.
  • You cannot continue or restart your activity once your consent is surrendered or transferred (unless the transfer is stated to be for a temporary period).


Send your completed form back to us

  • >> Submit it online. Use this same link if you need some help or have a question.
  • Mail: Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240