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Future Proof


Image - Future Proof logo Future Proof is a growth strategy specific to the Hamilton, Waipā and Waikato sub-region.

Since the launch in September 2009, the Future Proof implementation team has been working on a 100-point plan to manage growth in the Future Proof sub-region. Some major milestones have already been achieved, but more is yet to be done to manage the complex issues of future urban and rural land use, transport, natural and cultural resources, roads and essential infrastructure.

The Future Proof sub-region's population is predicted to double over the next 50 years so collective planning and action between government, residents and businesses is critical to the Waikato's long term success.

Rapid growth puts pressure on resources and the environment through such things as the need for roading, stormwater discharges, waste disposal facilities and subdivision. Already, rural subdivisions for housing are creeping across the sub-region's high quality soils, reducing the area available for horticulture and pastoral farming by about the equivalent of two dairy farms a year. In addition, dispersed settlement patterns in rural areas put pressure on rural transport networks and the arterial routes crossing these areas.

The Future Proof partners are Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton City Council, Waipā District Council, Waikato District Council, tangata whenua representatives and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).