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Marine oil spill contingency plan (Tier 1 plans) - new application process

Image - Oil spill exercise Coromandel Harbour IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ FIRST

Initial response to any oil spill must be oil containment and recovery by competent personnel using best practice methodology.

This Oil Transfer Site Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OTSMOSCP) approves the transfer of oils (marine fuels) by specified operators at specific site/s listed while using equipment and procedures documented in the plan.

OTSMOSCPs are a ‘Tier 1’ response, meaning that the incident can be immediately managed by people at the site. Waikato Regional Council must be advised of every spill no matter how small.

The transfer of oil (marine fuels) outside OTSMOSCP documentation parameters may result in sanction action.

Clause 1.1

Any processes, information, or procedures listed in this plan must be actioned and documented. Proof of procedures and processes will form part of the on-site audit and must be available, current, and on-site at all times.

Knowingly allowing oil to enter the coastal marine area during operations due to careless or incompetent operation will lead to immediate suspension of the plan, followed by possible revocation and prosecution.

All marine oil spill contingency plans will only be approved if there is an accompanying resource consent for the refuelling activity and proof of the structural stability of any structures used during the refuelling operation.

Note: The plan holder may not have to be the holder of the resource consent.

Minimum requirements

Minimum documentation accompanying this plan and required on site will include:

  1. Refuelling procedure checklists for vessel and operator.
  2. Description of equipment and processes detailing the transfer.
  3. Detail of possible spill scenarios and relevant responses (including notification procedures).
  4. Preventative measures undertaken.
  5. List of oil spill response equipment.
  6. Annual plan exercise and review.
  7. MSD Sheets.
  8. Site plan detailing environmental risks (e.g. wildlife).

For a more detailed overview of these requirements please refer to the 130B Schedule provided by Maritime NZ:

Contact us to request an Oil Transfer Site Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan template on

If you have any queries please call the Senior Emergency Management Officer on 0800 800 401.

Spill Response Standard Operating Procedure

Flowchart diagram - Oil Spill Response Standard Operating Procedure